Today is one of those days that I would love to just stay in bed. Last night I couldnt sleep because I felt like there were lead weights all over my body. Even today, I feel like I have ankle weights on, and my head is pounding. These are just a few things that my MS does to me many days. When the Dr.s ask what it feels like, I simply say, "it feels like I have a lead blanket weighing me down."
    There is nothing that I can take or do that makes it better. This has been a blow to my ego. I have always been a if you think it, you can achieve it, type of person, you know, mind over matter. MS doesn't follow those rules though. When the disease takes over, no amount of "forcing" myself does the trick.
    Lately it has been worse because my blood sugar has been really hard to keep under control also. I am very blessed that I have great kids who help pick up the slack when I feel like this  though (now if I could only get them to keep their rooms clean).
    Another thing that I have been having, and from what i hear so have others, is severe pain in my hands. This pain makes everyday things excruciating. I think a big part of it is that my circulation has been so bad. I find that if I wear my fingerless gloves it helps a lot! Just like everything in life, dealing with MS is a learning game that sometimes you can learn from others and sometimes you have to figure it out for yourself.


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