So today has been a horrible day. But it should have been a great one! I was asked by the town to speak at the World Wide Day of Prayer service. I did, and it was so great to get to speak and have people actually listening to what I say. But just like always, everytime anyone praises me, I get smacked back down off my pedastle very quickly. You see, I won't mention people specifically,but, there are people who are natural caregivers, and there are people who naturally need taken care of. This is not necissarily because they have something wrong, thye just really like being taken care of. Many times those people are thrown into a situation where they have to become the caregivers. Sometimes it works, but many times it doesn't. When it doesn't they don't know how to handle things being turned around and the other person getting attention for anything. Whn this happens they quite often turn on the other person. This was my day today. As if it wasn't enough that I got to be the center of attention, but the last few days I was given an awesome opportunity which is still in the works, to be quoted publically by a company, and was told that I couldn't work on Wednesdays because I was too missed at bible study. All of these things made me feel like I was walking on a cloud. Not for long though. These are the trials that make us stronger I guess. While this post didn't necesarrily have anything to do with my MS, it is something I thought I should put out there because of all those people who are caregivers for someone sick, or someone who needs a caregiver. It is a two way street and we have to be so careful not to knock each other off the road because of our insecurities or jealousy. 

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