2013 came with a lot of changes for me and my kids. The last 5 years have been insane, trying to clean up messes others made, dealing with health issues of not only me, but my kids as well. These included me going into a wheelchair full time, kids getting diagnosed with issues that had been passed off as other things, and so much more. They are a whole blog in themselves. We decided where we wanted to be was around family and people that loved us and we loved. Now, we are doing well and moving on with our lives, healing from the past. Part of my healing was realizing that I had thrown the baby out with the bathwater and stopped doing the things that I loved and was good at. That is changing now. I am back to write about my life with MS and hopefully catch up with my loyal readers and gain some new ones. If there is one thing that I learned out of all of this that might help you as well, it is that not dealing with outside stresses, can lead to very real inside problems. I was completely bed ridden for far to long with my MS because I refused to deal with what had happened. My MS grabbed hold and continued to control more and more of my life. A few months ago I was able to say.."NO MORE". Little by little, every day I got stronger. I was still in a wheelchair, but was going places, and having fun with my kids again. I started PT, OT, and got help in to keep me going. Two months ago things took off with healing for all of us. I will talk more about that in my next blog. My kids started hanging out with friends, doing extra curricular activities, having friends over....etc. It is the best gift a mother can get, seeing her kids happy again. I guess in reality, I am back in all areas of my life and it feels GREAT!

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